ADMX, ADK, RSAT Released For Windows 10 (Version 1511)


With the release of Windows 10 version 1511, the following tools to support this latest release has been made available, which includes Windows 10 Administrative Templates (.ADMX), Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK), Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT), as well as the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool.

Windows 10 Administrative Template (.ADMX)

Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 10 (RSAT)

Windows 10 Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK)

Windows 10 Media Creation Tool

Microsoft Office 2016 Administrative Templates and Office Customization Tool is also available for download.

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Update – Windows ADK For Windows 10 (Version 1511)


Update / Warning:

Aaron Czechowski, Senior Program Manager, Enterprise Client and Mobility has issued a warning regarding the latest release of Windows ADK for Windows 10, version 1511:

“…….there is a serious issue with it that blocks the following Configuration Manager OS deployment scenarios:

  • From Software Center, launch a task sequence that uses a Windows PE v10.0.10586 boot image. When the computer restarts into Windows PE, it will fail when “Initializing hardware devices” with the error: “Windows PE initialization failed with error code 0x80220014.”

At this time, we do not recommend that Configuration Manager customers use the 1511 version of the Windows 10 ADK.”

Johan Arwidmark, a System Center and OSD expert had also posted a warning on November 15, 2015 on his blog post “Inside Windows 10 ADK Build 10586“.

Warning: Do NOT upgrade your ConfigMgr 2012 R2 SP1 or MDT 2013 Update 1 environments to this build yet. For ConfigMgr, even though it seems to fix the x64 UEFI / PXE and Powershell/.NET issue, which is great, the new ADK does break Computer Refresh scenarios (Bare metal works). The error code is 0x80220014. Research and discussions with the product teams in progress… MDT 2013 Update 1 yet to be validated, but error comments on twitter does not give me a warm and fuzzy feeling.”

Original post: November 20, 2015.

The Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) for Windows 10, version 1511 is now available from Microsoft’s “Download Kits and Tools for Windows 10” site.

The Windows ADK now includes:

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Cisco AnyConnect VPN Error – “The file ‘Manifest Tool.exe’ is not marked for installation”


Error: “The file ‘Manifest Tool.exe’ is not marked for installation” occurs during installation of Cisco AnyConnect client. This generally happens due to a failed upgrade installation of the client..

Uninstall any version of the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client if it exist on the system.
Then, edit the registry by following these steps:

  • Launch the Registry Editor by typing “regedit” in the search window or box.
  • If a dialogue box pops up displaying the following: “Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer?”, Click Yes.
  • Browse to the following location: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\
  • Within the Products folder, locate and delete the registry key which contains the product information for Cisco AnyConnect.
    1. Go through each key in the Products folder until you find the one for Cisco AnyConnect. For example, the registry key for Cisco AnyConnect is named {D5BA4DB6420F33A4BAA83AD8BF69D037}
    2. Please note that the version of Cisco AnyConnect that you have may display a different registry key name.
  • Close the registry editor.
  • Install the Cisco AnyConnect client.

** Please make a backup of the registry before deleting or modifying any keys.